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Las Bernardas, la casa de.

BERNARDA: Marina Miranda
LA PONCIA: Mer Lozano
MARTIRIO: Esperanza Querino
ADELA: Alba Suárez

Dramaturgia y dirección: Sergio Rodríguez

Fotografía: Enrique Pérez Uceda 


The death of Bernarda’s second husband results in the distribution of the deceased’s inheritance, which benefits her eldest daughter, the fruit of a previous marriage, Angustias, aged thirty-nine, who begins a courtship with Pepe el Romano, attracted by his wealth; but Adela, the youngest daughter, aged twenty, becomes his lover. One night she is surprised by Martirio, a sick and hunchbacked twenty-four year old, also in love with him. With the whole house on its feet after the commotion, Adela heads for the corral where Pepe is waiting, but Martirio prevents her, Bernarda shoots but manages to flee, and Martirio announces her death in order to sink Adela. The young woman, believing in the tragic fate of her beloved, commits suicide.


Andolini Producciones

ANDOLINI PRODUCCIONES is a theatre company directed by Sergio Rodríguez and made up of a group of professionals who have been working with tenacity for more than fifteen years. Andolini Producciones arises from the artistic need to carry out projects with two lines of action, on the one hand some projects of small and medium formats and others of large format. At present, our line of production is aimed at bringing the classics of universal literature to 21st century audiences without losing the essence of the text itself. The first production of this company was ‘La Asamblea’ a musical comedy version of Aristophanes’ text ‘La asamblea de las mujeres’ selected in the circuit promoted by the Consejería de Cultura de la Junta de Andalucía to participate in the ‘V edition of the Festival de los Teatros Romanos de Andalucía’, premiering on July 26th 2017 at the Teatro Romano de Málaga. For us this was a joy and a responsibility that we believe was equally was reciprocated in the same way. This was our starting point to create a company. In this production of the company Mer Lozano, actress and producer, has joined the production. Our commitment has been to continue in our line of classics and we have developed the proposal that we offer, an adaptation for five actresses of the text ‘La casa de Bernarda Alba’, with which we are touring different municipalities of Seville within the of Federico García Lorca’s text ‘La casa de Bernarda Alba’, with which we are touring different municipalities of Seville as part of the theatre circuit promoted by the Seville Provincial Council.

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